English 11- Wednesday 9.7.16 agenda

1. Subscribe to Ms. Ryan's Nogales webpage.
2. Finish typing your "Belief Systems- Essay 1" in your Google Drive.
3. Log in to classroom.google.com
4. Add my class using the code: 8wg6k0g
5. When you have completed your essay, submit it to the assignment.  You can either share the link or submit through your drive.
6. Begin working on the "Witches" journal post on Google Classroom.  Make sure you answer in the greatest detail possible, answering all questions in the prompt.  Review your answer before submitting.
7. Once you have submitted your response, you need to choose TWO of your classmates' answers and response appropriately to their answer.  Do you agree or disagree with their thoughts?  Explain why or why not.  Tell them what you think of their answer.  Do you share similar ideas of witches?  Are you curious about their beliefs about witches?  Answer in complete sentences.
**Make sure to bring your copy of The Crucible tomorrow.  We will begin reading the play in class.  You will earn a full 4 points if you bring your book, and 0 if you do not.  This is an easy 100%!!