Thursday 4/21

Because of SBAC testing, we will be working on a few projects that can be done individually as well as in class.  For each group of students who are out testing each week, please check in to the website and make sure you are aware of what is happening in class.  You will have the time to work on our projects once you are finished with testing, or for those of you testing starting 4/28 and 5/5,  you will start the projects in class and make sure you keep up on the work.
We will be working in groups of 4 to complete our WebQuest.  You can find the link posted right before this post.  Each person has a job to do, so make sure you are clear as to who is responsible for what.  Read through the directions carefully, and do your part perfectly.
There is no official due date because of SBAC and AP testing.  Once everything is completed, we will discuss a final due date.