Nogales High School

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Cal Poly Pomona Business School Students Host Relay Race

Nogales High School--In a continued partnership between Nogales High School and Cal Poly Pomona, students from the Cal Poly Business school engaged in a service learning project. Of the three projects in the works, one group was tasked with engaging students in school activities who are not currently involved with a club or sport.

"The idea was to host a lunch time relay race that included students from all four grade levels, boys and girls, and faculty members," said one of the Cal Poly students.

Mr. Butcher, Mr. Salazar, Mr. Morales, and Dr. Martinez joined student teams as they completed a range of tasks and challenges. These included putting together a puzzle, running with a tennis ball between the knees, carrying a ping pong ball on a paper plate and walking back-to-back with a balloon between the partners.

In the end, Mr. Butcher's team won. Those students got to put a whip cream pie in the face of the other faculty members. Coach Salazar said, "This was a lot of fun and great to see so many kids involved."

Several students from Ms. Reese's IB Video class video recorded the event and will post some clips on the website in the coming days.

"It really helped that we had ASB and Noble Regiment students involved as they were great role models for the underclassmen," said Mr. Butcher.

The Freshman Team and Mr. Butcher came in first place and received Nogales T-shirts, and the second place team and Mr. Salazar received Nogales water bottles. All students who participated received a Cal Poly Pomona folder and some students received Cal Poly Pomona caps for participating.

Nogales administration thanks the Cal Poly Pomona students for their time and effort.