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Brandon Speirs » World History (College Prep)

World History (College Prep)




Instructor, Brandon T. Speirs

Ph. (626) 965-3437 Ext. 3645 Room# G5

Email: [email protected]



Course Description:

This course allows students to examine major turning points in the shaping of the modern world, from the late eighteenth century to the present. Students develop an understanding of the historical roots of current world issues, especially as they pertain to international relations. Furthermore, they extrapolate from the American experience that democratic ideals are often achieved at a high cost, remain vulnerable and are not practiced everywhere in the world. Students consider multiple accounts of events in order to understand international relations from a variety of perspectives. The following subjects will be the emphasis of this course: The Rise of Democratic Ideas, Industrial Revolution, Rise of Imperialism and Colonialism, World War I, Totalitarianism in the Modern World, Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, World War II, and Nationalism in the Contemporary World.

         * History-Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools

The structure of the class will be student centered and will consist of interactive projects, presentations, group work, debates, discussions, research, reading and writing assignments, and lecture/note taking. Reading Like a Historian, an educational program developed by Stanford University will be utilized and implemented throughout the academic school year. Historical and current issues will be embedded throughout the curriculum. Instead of memorizing historical facts, students evaluate the trustworthiness of multiple perspectives on historical issues. Students learn to make historical claims backed by documentary evidence.


Course Requirements:



World-History, Culture, & Geography: The Modern World  by McGraw Hill Education



Being in class and on time is necessary to be successful in the class.


Class work/Homework:    

The structure of the class will be student centered and will consist of interactive projects, presentations, group work, debates, discussions, research, reading and writing assignments, and lecture/note taking. Cornell notes are required for all note-taking as well as other assignments. Thinking maps will also be utilized in many assignments. It is important to note that the majority of homework will be unfinished class work. Various online resources and apps will be used.



Tests will be given periodically which will include quizzes and school mandated assessments. The common assessments required will be administered after each major unit of study. Quizzes will vary from once a week to one everyday depending on student performance and unit covered. In addition, the students will take a final exam at the end of each semester.


Throughout the school year, students will be demonstrating the ability to master an assigned topic through various projects and presentations.


It is critical that all students participate in class.



Students are required to bring the following materials to class everyday: earphones, notebook, and pen/pencil. Note: This class will utilize Chromebooks for the majority of assignments/projects.


Classroom Rules:


In order to maintain an appropriate learning environment in the classroom, students are expected to follow a few important classroom rules listed below in addition to all Nogales’ school policies.

  1.         Cell phone use is prohibited - refer to NHS policy

1st incident  - warning

2nd incident - phone confiscated, returned end of period, contact parent/guardian

3rd incident - phone confiscated, phone sent to office, student receives end of day, 

        contact parent/guardian

4th incident  - phone confiscated, phone sent to office, phone returned to parent

  1. Students should be prepared to work at their assigned desk when the bell rings.

*TARDY POLICY - refer to NHS policy

1-2 tardies: teacher warning

3rd tardy: teacher contacts parent/guardian 

4th tardy: office contacts parent/guardian and lunch detention

5th tardy: referred to administrator and Friday school

  1. Be responsible and on task at all times.
  2. Respect all people and property.
  3. Seize the moment!



Grading Categories

Weighted Percentage

4 point Scale on all assignments

Skills Based Assessments:



     Writing Assignments


4 - Extending

3 - Applying

2 - Developing

1 - Beginning 

Effort Based Assignments:




4 - Extending

3 - Applying

2 - Developing

1 - Beginning 

Grading Scale:


A+ = 98-100%

B+ = 88-89%

C+ = 78-79%

D+ = 68-69%

F  = 0-59%

A   = 93-97%

B   = 83-87%

C   = 73-77%

D   = 63-67%


A- = 90-92%

B- = 80-82%

C-  = 70-72%

D- = 60-62%


Student:_________________________________ Signature:__________________________________


Parent/Guardian:__________________________ Signature:__________________________________