Final Exam Due Date

Attention ALL Juniors and Seniors:
Your final essay will be due by the first ten minutes of your class period Monday, December 8.  There will be ZERO excuses accepted for an absence, tardy, or untyped essay.  If you arrive to class ON TIME with a typed MLA formatted essay in hand, your essay will be worth the full 4 points.  If you show up after the first ten minutes of class with a typed MLA formatted essay, your essay will only be worth 2 points.  If you do not show up to class that day, then you will earn a ZERO for your final exam.  If you show up with an uptyped essay, you will earn a ZERO for the final exam.  There are absolutely NO excuses for not attending class that day OR not having an essay typed.  You will NOT be allowed to turn an essay in for credit after the period is over.   This is your only warning, and there will be no discussion of "what ifs" at any point.
I highly recommend being responsible and typing/printing your essay BEFORE the weekend.  Teachers will not be asked by students to print an essay, and no student should wait until Monday to use the computer lab.  This is your FINAL EXAM grade; therefore I recommend taking this seriously. 
Essay grades and Final Semester One grades will be posted before you leave for Winter Break.  Grades are not subject to argument and will not be changed in the grade book once posted.
Happy studying.