Chapter 4 and 5 Reading Activities- The Great Gatsby

Complete the following activities for chapters 4 & 5:
Chapter 4:
1. Take names from Gatsby's guest list and google them.  What types of people were they? (Social and economic class, professional background, etc.)  What does this tell you about the type of people Gatsby hung out with?  What does this possibly reveal about Gatsby's character and the type of person he is?
2. Google search the World Series of 1919.  Become an expert on what happened, and what the consequences were for those involved.  How did Wolfsheim manage to fix the World Series, and how did this affect his status in New York society?  What does this reveal about the true character of Gatsby?  Does this change his reputation, or does this make his reputation better?
Chapter 5:
1. Research the historical emigration from Europe to the US.  Why did people move to America?  What types of people moved to the US?  What was the end result of their move?
2. How does the "European Legacy" live strong in Fitzgerald's story?
3. What is the author trying to have you (the audience) think about the European influence in American culture?  Provide examples from today's society that demonstrate how the European Legacy is still alive and strong.