Nogales High School

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To all of my amazing AVID ladies... Please take advantage of this amazing opportunity at CSUF for all math enthusiasts. See brochure, application, and recommendation form, complete, and fill out!

Catcher in the Rye Reading Schedule

Due to SBAC and AP testing, students will be required to read Catcher in the Rye on their own, with reading deadlines for the Friday of each week.  The schedule is as follows:
April 22: Ch.1-4
April 29: Ch. 5-9
May 6: Ch. 10-13
May 13: Ch. 14-17
May 20: Ch. 18-21
May 27: Ch. 22-26

Research Presentation Secretary Handout

1. Group Leader, Editor, and Secretary were chosen today for each presentation group.
2. The Group Secretary/Recorder completed the handout (attached) and turned in for the group.
3. Each group continued work on their presentation and research.
***If you have been absent the last two days, you will be required to create your own presentation.  You will not be allowed to join a group two days into the project.
***Final presentations need to be submitted Wednesday.

Thursday 4/14

1. Research Presentation- Small groups
You are put in small groups based on your research section of the alphabet.  The following are the instructions for the research presentation.
1. Each group member needs to create a part of the presentation.
2. Each TOPIC needs 2 FACTS to be presented (when you wrote your paper, you chose 5 facts per topic.  Now you and your group need to narrow it down to the 2 most important facts for each topic to present.)
3. Pictures and bullet points/outline explanation needed for EACH topic, focusing on why that fact was important for the 20s.
4. Create a visual presentation (Google slides, Piktochart, Prezi, etc).
5. The final piece of your presentation needs to include all of your sources of information.
DUE 4/20
This is a competition to see which group creates the best presentation and presents the best as well.  Your goal is to WOW the audience (and me) with your information, presentation, and presenting skills.  Do what YOU need to do in order to be the best.

Wednesday 4/13 Assignment

1. Read "Blackfish" Article of the Week.
2. Write 2-3 sentence summaries for each section (total of 4 sections).
3. Write a one-page response to the article based on the questions at the end. 
DUE at the end of the period.

Tuesday, April 12 Agenda and Assignments

1. Research Paper due as you come in to class.  Papers must be typed in the proper format and printed out in order to earn credit.
2. We will return The Great Gatsby at the beginning of class.  You will earn 4 points for having the book or you will earn 0 points for not having it and will be required to turn it in on your own.
3. We will check out Catcher in the Rye, and you will need to have your student ID in order to earn the credit for checking out the book.
4. We will finish watching the Redford version in order to complete our film review paper.  Meet in the Library Media Center.

Monday, April 11 Agenda and Homework

1. Continue film review assignment- Finish watching Leo version and continue watching Redford version.
**REMINDER** Your Gatsby research paper is due as you walk into class tomorrow.  There will be no excuses accepted for not having a typed and completed research paper. You have the chance to earn an easy 4 points by having it completed, typed, and turned in ON TIME or you will earn a 0 if you do not have it by the time class begins.
**BOOK RETURN** Your Gatsby book will be turned in at the beginning of class.  You will receive a 4 if you have your book WHEN WE RETURN it, not any point throughout the day.  If you do not have the book when we return it as a class, you automatically earn a 0.  No exceptions and no excuses.
**BOOK CHECK OUT** We will be checking out Catcher in the Rye, which will require you to have your student ID to check out.  You will earn a full 4 points if you have your ID and check out the book, and will earn 0 points if you do not have your ID when we check the book out as a class.
We will be in the Library tomorrow finishing the film review assignment.  Come directly to the Library at the beginning of class.  Do not be tardy.

Friday 3/8 Agenda and Assignment

1. Students will complete the Article of the Week and the assignments by the end of the period.
1. Number the paragraphs
2. Read the article
3. Annotate the article in both columns
4. Write a one-sentence summary for each paragraph on a separate sheet of paper
5. Write a one-page response to the questions at the end of the article.
**This is due at the end of the period.  It is not to be taken home and turned in Monday.  If a student does not turn it in Friday and brings it to class Monday, the assignment will be considered late and they will not earn full credit.  This means that each student needs to work diligently throughout the entire period.

Thursday, 4/7 Agenda and Assignments

1. All students will take the final test for The Great Gatsby.
2. Once test is finished, they will individually continue researching their topics and working to finish their research paper.
3. Research papers are DUE Tuesday, April 12 with no exceptions.  No late assignments will be accepted.  If you are going to be absent on Tuesday, you need to turn the assignment in on Monday.  If you are unexpectedly absent on Tuesday (which you should not be), then you need to have a friend turn your research paper in for you at the beginning of your period.  No exceptions.  

Wednesday 4/6 Agenda

1. Students actively participate in the Socratic Seminar that was prepared for yesterday.  Prep work is checked and graded while students converse with their teammate in preparation for their participation in the seminar.
*Requirements for the seminar:
-Student must actively participate (speak and discuss topics provided)
-No interrupting of a student
-Must provide evidence (quotations) from the novel to explain and support their opinion.
-Help guide the conversation along
If a student is not present in class the day of the seminar, they will not earn the points.  Students must be present in order to get credit.

Tuesday, April 5 Assignments and Agenda

1. Go to English 11 tab, and download "The Great Gatsby Socratic Seminar" handout.  Save to your Google Drive.
2. Review the Opening and Closing Questions.  Be prepared to answer in order to begin and close the seminar.
3.  Choose a minimum of 4 of the Core Questions to answer (based on your opinion) and provide evidence from the novel to support your claim.
4.  What is not finished in class needs to be finished for homework.  All students are expected to come prepared to class tomorrow with their answers and evidence in order to participate in the Socratic Seminar.  Students who do not come prepared and do not participate to the level expected will earn a zero for both the assignment and the Seminar.
**REMINDER: Final Exam for The Great Gatsby is Thursday.

Monday, April 4 Assignments and Agenda

1. Ch. 9 reading quiz- The Great Gatsby
2. Research paper- use the remainder of class doing research for all 5 topics.  Research paper due April 12.

Thursday, March 24

1. Library Media Center: Compare Gatsby films
2. Continue reading for chapter 8 quiz that will take place beginning of class on Friday.